Install an HVAC and Keep Cool

The Australian summer can be super hot. If you live in Australia, you will want to make sure you can stay cool during the intense heat. I came to realise how important HVAC systems are when I moved into an apartment which didn't have HVAC. It was OK in the winter, but by the summer, it was terrible. I called in an HVAC contractor and asked them to install a new system. It was amazing what a difference it made. The contractor also gave me some advice about how to maintain the system. I hope this blog is useful to you.

Tips for Maintaining Your Commercial Air Conditioning


Maintaining a cool office environment can promote your staff's wellbeing, especially when the hot summer months roll in. But if you want your commercial air conditioning system to continue functioning without a hitch, you'll need to engage in some basic maintenance. With a few simple tips, you can make sure yours keeps churning out cool air for longer.

Clean Your Air Filters

Allowing your air conditioning system's air filters to become and remain dirty forces it to fight an uphill battle. When the filters suffer from clogs, your unit has to work harder to blow out cool air. So although you'll experience the same cooling benefits, key components will wear out faster than if you keep the filters clean.

Create an office routine that involves cleaning filters every two months. If you have a regular cleaning team, you can add this to their periodic checklist. Once they clean the filters, ensure they sign to state that the task is complete so you have the assurance they're maintaining your unit properly.

Look for Blockages

Depending on where your air conditioning unit is, it may suffer due to accidental blockages. For example, an office worker may inadvertently place an item in front of the unit, which will then force it to work harder. Similarly, if the unit is outside, accidental blockages in the form of large debris can cause problems.

If your office has a daily closing routine, make sure you add a visual inspection of your HVAC unit to the list. With a written prompt, your team should remember to free the unit of potential blockages and ensure the air flows smoothly.

Protect the Coils

Cleaning the air conditioning unit's filters routinely will protect the coils. However, even the best cleaning routine won't stop them from attracting dirt entirely. This is especially the case if part of your unit is outside, as pollution and debris will make their way into the unit and make the coils dirty.

Preventative action such as routinely clearing leaves from around your unit can go a long way. Otherwise, you may need to use a maintenance service to clean the coils. Ask your commercial air conditioning contractor how often coil cleaning should take place.

With those three basic maintenance tasks, you can help your commercial air conditioning system last longer. At the point of installation, make sure you ask the team for maintenance contacts. With regular professional attention, you can reduce costly repairs.


9 July 2021